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  • Foods to eat and avoid with schizophrenia

    It has been observed that those who have schizophrenia, a chronic psychological illness, usually have diets that are unhealthy, low in fiber and fruit, and high in saturated fats. Unhealthy eating habits typically lead to other health problems which can also put people with schizophrenia at high risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and more. According to research, dietary changes do really help manage schizophrenia. Here are some best and worst foods for schizophrenia.

    Foods to eat

    • Fruits
      Many studies show that people with schizophrenia usually do not get enough fiber, and thus, need to eat fruits. Some of the best sources of fiber are apples, pears, and raspberries. Fiber not only helps reduce bad cholesterol but also helps in digestion, thereby reducing the chances of certain health problems associated with schizophrenia such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
    • Vegetables
      Vegetables don’t have heart-heavy cholesterol, are packed with essential vitamins and fiber, and are low in calories and fat. Veggies like sweet potatoes, kidney beans, and lima beans contain potassium that could help in keeping blood sugar in check. The best food for schizophrenia is spinach as it is high in folate, which could help in easing symptoms of schizophrenia. Apart from spinach, folate can also be found in asparagus and black-eyed peas.
    • Fatty fish
      Since omega-3 fatty acids cannot be produced by the body, one needs to get them through food such as fatty fish like salmon and mackerel. Omega-3 fatty acids not only ease but also prevent the symptoms of schizophrenia and even slow down the progress of the disease. Vegetarians can intake walnuts and ask their doctor to prescribe omega-3 supplements.
    • Crab and oysters
      According to research, there could exist a relationship between schizophrenia and low levels of zinc, which can be found in lobsters, crab, and oysters, as well as fortified cereals and beef.
    • Clams
      Clams are an amazing source of vitamin B12, and research has shown that low levels of vitamin B12 could result in psychosis, of which schizophrenia is a part. Try eating foods rich in vitamin B12 such as trout, liver, and clams. Vegetarians can ask their doctor for B-12 supplements.

    Foods to avoid

    • Bread
      According to some experts and research, sensitivity to wheat could be a factor in schizophrenia and other mental health conditions. One option is to switch to a gluten-free diet, which includes proteins found in grains like wheat and others.
    • Refined sugars
      Refined sugars found in foods like cake, candy, and sweetened beverages, contribute to diabetes, which is a huge side effect for those with schizophrenia. Cutting out refined sugars from one’s diet is a great way to manage schizophrenic symptoms.
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  • Foods to eat and avoid with eczema

    Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is an inflammatory skin condition that causes itchy rashes, blisters, skin irritation, and even results in leathery skin patches over time. While this condition is more common in kids aged less than two years, it can also affect older children and adults. Many people who suffer from eczema also tend to develop food allergies. So, it is important to discover one’s personal food needs for minimizing issues with eczema and the resulting allergies. Some of the common food allergies associated with eczema include:

    • Shellfish
    • Fish
    • Nuts
    • Gluten
    • Soy products
    • Eggs
    • Cow’s milk

    However, not everyone may have the same flare ups or reactions to the same foods. Listed below are foods that contain properties that could help in decreasing eczema flare-ups, so that one can get to know their body and what foods works best for them.

    Foods to eat

    • Fatty fish: One might be able to reduce their symptoms of eczema by eating fatty fish such as herring, mackerel, trout, and salmon. These fish include high levels of omega-3 fatty acids which leads to it having anti–inflammatory properties. One might also consider taking omega-3 supplements.
    • Foods containing quercetin: The plant-based flavonoid quercetin helps give many veggies, fruits, and flowers their vibrant, rich colors. Quercetin also happens to be a powerful antihistamine and antioxidant which helps in reducing inflammation as well as histamine levels in the body. Foods that are rich in quercetin include kale, spinach, broccoli, cherries, blueberries, and apples.
    • Foods containing probiotics: Probiotic food items like yogurt contain live culture that help in supporting a strong immune system, which could help lessen allergic reactions or flare-ups. Foods rich in probiotics include tempeh, kefir, unpasteurized sauerkraut, soft cheeses like Gouda, naturally fermented pickles, miso soup, and sourdough bread.

    Foods to avoid

    While what one eats might not directly cause eczema, it can be a trigger for a lot of symptoms. This is particularly true if one eats a food item that they’re otherwise sensitive or allergic to. Some of the common foods to avoid for people with eczema include:

    • Foods with high amounts of sugar could result in triggering eczema flare-ups. Sugar causes a spike in insulin levels, which results in inflammation. Some food items which have high sugar and should be avoided include fast food such as burgers and chips, smoothies, sodas, coffee drinks that are sweet, and cakes.
    • Food items that contain artificial ingredients and preservatives could end up increasing eczema flare-ups and symptoms. Such food items include foods that contain high amounts of trans fats such as fast food, processed food, tinned or canned food, and margarine.
    • Other food items that could increase the risk of eczema flare-ups include nuts, soy, eggs, and dairy products.

    While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all diet for eczema, one must aim to follow a diet that is rich in antioxidants, which could go a long way in helping reduce the symptoms of eczema. Following diet plans upon consultation with your doctor, such as the Mediterranean diet, that emphasizes on eating veggies, fruits, healthy fats like olive oil, and fish is probably the best thing to follow.

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  • 8 foods that can help soothe migraine headaches

    Eating right is one of the best possible ways to soothe migraine headaches and issues. Incorporating preventive foods into one’s diet and limiting foods which trigger migraines is a good way to begin soothing migraine headaches. In fact, studies show that eliminating possible dietary triggers (including eating vegan diets) could benefit people with migraines. Here are some pain-safe foods that people with migraines can eat for getting relief from migraine headaches:

    One of the best foods which help with migraine is salmon. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which improve the health of arteries, lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation and the risk of cancer. This fish also has balanced quantities of omega 3-6-9 fatty acid and is loaded with minerals, resulting in anti-inflammatory properties. Salmon also features large amounts of B vitamins, which have been proven to be helpful for managing migraines. Try eating two to three servings of salmon every week.

    Dark chocolate
    Chocolate contains large amounts of magnesium, which is one of the most common minerals that help in managing migraine. The mineral is important for both sleep and relaxation, and chocolate is one of the richest sources of magnesium, containing at least 70% cacao. However, people should check with their doctors for ruling out dark chocolate as a trigger for migraines. 

    When combined with other electrolytes, potassium helps the body fight inflammation and dehydration, both of which are associated with migraine. Figs are an excellent source of potassium. Make sure that your body gets this essential mineral from your diet. You will have to check with your doctor if you are sensitive to foods that contain tyramine. If you are, then try eating fresh figs since it’s the dried ones which contain tyramine.

    An antioxidant called astaxanthin is found in high quantities in shrimps, which helps the body fight inflammation, helping with migraine issues. Shrimp is also rich in omega fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins, all of which help in fighting inflammation.

    Sweet potatoes and carrots
    Sweet potatoes and carrots are high in nutrients such as beta-carotene, all of which possess anti-inflammatory properties. Sweet potatoes are particularly high in phosphorus, vitamins B1, B2, B6, and C, potassium, niacin, pantothenic acid, manganese, and copper.

    Quinoa is a delicious, nutrient-rich, balanced protein and carb which is gentle on the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, it is one of the foods that help in reducing migraines during the attack when it actually happens.

    Nutrient-rich kale is extremely safe for people who suffer from migraines. Kale is not only rich in fiber, but also omega-3 and magnesium, making it somewhat of a superfood for fighting migraines.  What’s more, kale can be easily eaten in the form of sauces, salads, soups, and smoothies.

    Water is the answer to most health problems. Not drinking enough water leads to dehydration, which causes migraines. Drink a minimum of eight glasses of water every day, while also increasing the intake of electrolytes and salts such as sodium, chloride, potassium, and magnesium, which are lost when water intake increases.

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  • Here’s what to eat for hemophilia

    Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that is mostly diagnosed at a young age. The blood doesn’t clot as it should in people with this disease, causing excessive bleeding, which can turn life-threatening. The condition largely occurs due to the absence of certain blood-clotting proteins (called clotting factors), although it can also be acquired due to an immune system issue.

    Physical therapy, clot-preserving medications, and vaccinations are viable treatment options. Alternatively, dietary choices can also help manage the symptoms and prevent the condition from worsening. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the beneficial foods to eat for people with hemophilia:

    Whole grains
    Oatmeal, brown rice, and barley are a few of the healthiest whole grains to eat for hemophilia patients. These foods contain fiber and nutrients that help stabilize blood glucose levels. By lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke, these foods prevent serious complications associated with hemophilia. Whole grains also reduce chronic inflammation, which can be touted as a major contributor to internal bleeding.

    Calcium-rich foods
    Important for the growth and maintenance of the bones, calcium is paramount for hemophilia patients. The nutrient helps keep tooth and bone health in check, preventing damage and subsequent blood loss. Also, the lack of calcium increases the risk of several diseases, some of which are known to cause internal bleeding and muscle damage. Dairy products are the standout sources of calcium, along with fish like sardines and pilchards.

    Leafy greens
    Dark, leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach are loaded with minerals that can help manage hemophilia and its possible complications. Collard greens are also great options, as they’re a good source of vitamin K that helps in blood clotting. The vegetable might also prove useful in maintaining bone health. At the same time, cabbage and beet greens come with their own list of benefits for people with hemophilia.

    Foods rich in iron
    Iron is just as important as calcium for people with hemophilia. Iron helps in the production of red blood cells, playing a crucial role in the development and care of muscles. Foods rich in iron help quickly replenish this nutrient that’s lost due to bleeding. Dark chocolate, white beans, and baked potatoes are some good sources of iron.

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  • 5 snacks that can help lower cholesterol levels

    5 snacks that can help lower cholesterol levels

    People who struggle with high cholesterol levels tend to begin thinking more about everything they eat. Whether it’s a bowl of fruit or a delicious hamburger, they are left wondering how their choices will impact their numbers. While it is tempting to skip snacking altogether, a healthy snack can go a long way in maintaining metabolism as well as blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Changing the kinds of foods one eats can not only lower cholesterol levels but also improve fat levels through the bloodstream. Here are some great snacks that are extremely helpful in fighting cholesterol.

    Popcorn can be low in calories when one eats a smart serving size and avoids the salt and butter. What’s more, it’s a whole grain full of fiber. Popcorn can be easily made at home by air popping it and adding some olive oil and a little bit of parmesan cheese or a few seasonings for some extra flavor. Using olive oil instead of butter helps lower the bad LDL cholesterol and increase the good HDL cholesterol.

    Peanuts, walnuts, almonds, etc. are great for the heart and are powerhouses of energy. Some studies have even demonstrated that nuts slightly lower the levels of bad LDL cholesterol. According to the American Heart Association, one should eat ¼th of a cup of nuts every day for a healthy heart.

    Vegetables are a great source of essential fiber, vitamins, and minerals, all of which go a long way in helping lower LDL cholesterol. While they might not be the first snack that one voluntarily reaches out for, vegetables are required by the body. Vegetable snacking is easier when you buy pre-cut vegetables or prep some vegetables for a weekly ration. Snacking is made easier when you can simply grab a handful of carrots or bell peppers and dip them in some delicious hummus. The ideal quantity of vegetables is 3–5 servings every day (one serving = ½ cup).

    One of the easiest ways to better one’s cholesterol levels is to include a bowl of oatmeal in one’s everyday diet. Oatmeal contains “soluble fiber,” which is instrumental in soaking up the cholesterol and moving it through the body without it being absorbed in any way. So, irrespective of whether one chooses to eat oatmeal as breakfast or as a quick snacking option, oatmeal is a great food item to snack on when one has high cholesterol.

    Fruits are probably one of the easiest on-the-go snacks. Not only do fruits help in satisfying sugar cravings, but they’re also a great snack for those people who suffer from high cholesterol since it contains high amounts of potassium, fiber, and pectin. One should try and eat 3–4 servings of fruit per day.

    While healthy snacks can be difficult to incorporate into one’s daily diet, healthy snacks are easier to be slipped into one’s meal. The snacks mentioned above are important for dealing with the problem of high cholesterol.

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  • Healthy foods and recipes for wet AMD patients

    Age-related macular degeneration is a common eye condition where the overall health of the eye deteriorates with age. This condition is caused due to the damage in the macular area in the eye, which is responsible for vision. Due to this condition, many individuals above the age of 50 experience loss in their vision.

    But, AMD can be managed and even improved with an appropriate nutritious diet. Again, this does not mean that you cannot enjoy the food you eat. So, here are some fun and delicious recipes that can help you get the right nutrition to help improve wet AMD.

    Carrot cumin soup with carrot

    One of the best foods for wet AMD is carrots. They are a great source of beta-carotene, vitamin A, minerals, and more nutrients. Adding it to your diet in any form will ensure that you get all the required nutrients to improve eye health. To whip up this delicious meal, all you need is some olive oil, onions, vegetable broth, and of course carrots and cumins. You can add the spices based on your taste.

    Spicy udon noodles with vegetables
    Another great addition to your health and the best food for people with wet AMD is a myriad range of veggies. Veggies will not only help you maintain overall eye health but they also prevent conditions and diseases such as cancer and heart conditions. You will need to get some orange zest and juice, chili paste, low-sodium soy sauce, minced garlic, canola oil, and sesame oil, and six cups of stir-fried veggies to make this wholesome food. These veggies can be added according to your taste. Add the noodles to your dish at the end.

    Mac and cheese with carrots/other veggies

    Macaroni and cheese is one of the most popular dishes across the country. You will need to get yourself some elbow macaroni, carrots for nutrients, some unsalted butter for maximum deliciousness, flour, salt, and mustard. You can add some spices based on your taste and preference. Don’t forget to add some parmesan cheese as well to make this a wholesome meal.

    Spa Baklava with walnuts

    Deserts can be the healthiest way to promote the overall health of the eye. Another great recipe with the best food ingredients for those suffering from wet AMD is Spa Baklava. It is the Spa Baklava is one of the healthiest and lightest meals to ever exist. It contains walnuts that are high in alpha-linolenic acid that is a type of omega-3 fatty acid. All you need to make this scrumptious dessert is walnuts, sugar, cinnamon, cloves, oil, and phyllo dough.

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  • Top probiotic foods for a healthy gut

    Consuming healthy bacteria must be a part of an everyday lifestyle, and for all the good reasons such as boosting immunity, metabolism, and mental health and for the overall physical well-being. Indeed, both the good and bad bacteria live in our digestive system, and this balance affects almost all functions of our health. Now, this can be both positive and negative that could upset your gut in the form of an illness or an infection. All you need is to increase your probiotic intake to restore your digestion process and maintain a balanced intestinal system. Herein, we discuss the best probiotic foods you must eat for a healthy.

    This dairy food has the best strains of bacteria that ease one’s digestive system. And in today’s scenario, you would find several brands that promote probiotic yogurt specifically designed to meet digestive needs. You could tweak it by adding some fruits or toasted oats for that extra flavor. You must ensure that it does not have any sugar, addictive and preservatives.

    You will find a hoard of flavors available in the market, and it’s probably the finest fermented milk drink for it has the best strains of friendly bacteria. The good news is that people with lactose intolerance can easily consume this drink with much ease.

    This is one fermented vegetarian dish that is packed with vitamins A and C and has the best anti-inflammatory properties. You can consume this as a side dish or eat with a bowl of rice or noodles to perk it up.

    Fermented cheese
    You could easily add cheese to your daily regime intake for that extra dose of probiotics. Mozzarella and regular cheddar cheese are good to go as they have live strains of healthy bacteria. Also, you could look for cheeses that have labels for active cultures.

    This is one of the best and powerful sources of probiotic that you could consume on an everyday basis. You must look also for cultured buttermilk in case you are all specific about the probiotic food you want.

    Apple cider vinegar
    You got to acquire the taste as an everyday thing, yet this is the best of the lot in terms of promoting a super healthy gut. Since it’s acidic, digestion is one step ahead in the most positive way. It’s also good for weight loss and boosting metabolism.

    This drink is made of black or green tea, yeast, and sugar and is widely consumed for gut healing and preventing diabetes and heart disease. You can consume this drink in case of an upset stomach as when needed.

    Sourdough bread
    Next time you plan for a sandwich dinner or a lunch, switch to sourdough as it is packed with probiotics.

    Sour pickles
    Natural in its best way, yet choose the one that has been fermented in salt and water and not vinegar.

    This fruit is high in probiotic microorganisms, and so, having one every day is a good choice.

    Let your immune system improve in the most natural way and all you need is to boost it up with the right diet so to maintain a holistic balance of good and bad bacteria for that healthy gut.

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  • 6 key benefits of probiotics

    Probiotics or “friendly bacteria” are known to have health benefits if taken in the right proportion. These live microorganisms or probiotics are naturally present in the body. However, they can also be taken in the form of food or probiotic supplements. Fermented food is usually rich in probiotics. For good digestive health, it is important to maintain a balance of bacteria. One of the primary probiotics benefits of a balanced presence of probiotics is good digestion. This also positively impacts your overall health and well being. Probiotics balance the bacteria present in your gut and have a positive impact on your health. Probiotics benefits include good digestive health, loss of excess weight, a healthy immune system, and much more!

    • Maintain Healthy Digestion with Probiotics
      Probiotics include and foster the growth of good bacteria in your digestive system. You should consume food that contains a fair amount of probiotics. It will help keep your gut healthy by restoring the natural balance of bacteria. These friendly live microorganisms come with the benefit of putting a check on the growth of bad bacteria. Probiotics do not let the harmful bacteria overpower the good bacteria. These bacteria help reverse the effects of illnesses and certain medicines. Probiotics benefits also include treating obesity and allergies. Probiotics are not known to have any side effects.
    • Ensure a Balance of Probiotics to Treat Diarrhea
      The friendly bacteria present in your digestive system are widely known for treating diarrhea. One of the primary probiotics benefits is its ability to cure and reduce the severity of diarrhea. Diarrhea is often a side effect of taking antibiotics. Antibiotics may adversely affect the balance of bacteria in the digestive system. Ensuring the right proportion of probiotics in the gut reduces the risk of diarrhea induced by antibiotics. Moreover, probiotics are known for treating other kinds of diarrhea as well. Ensure an adequate intake of probiotics through food and supplements to reduce the risk and duration of diarrhea. Doctors usually recommend strains such as Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus rhamnosus as measures against diarrhea.
    • Probiotic Supplements For Mental Health
      Certain strains of probiotics are known for positively impacting mental health conditions. Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus probiotic strains have the proven ability to improve depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and memory in general. You can consume one hundred grams of yogurt containing probiotics every day for good health. Taking a probiotic capsule every day as prescribed by your doctor will considerably relieve you from anxiety and stress.
    • Probiotics Help Lower Cholesterol And Blood Pressure
      Well-known probiotics benefits include a healthy heart. These friendly microorganisms keep your cholesterol levels low. This, in turn, ensures that your heart functions healthily. Probiotics also keep your blood pressure in check. If you suffer from high blood pressure or have such a tendency, you should take probiotic supplements. Probiotics help reduce the levels of cholesterol by breaking down bile in the digestive system. This process fosters healthy digestion. Probiotics break down bile and prevent it from absorbed by the gut again. The bile is thus prevented from entering the bloodstream as cholesterol. Probiotics are also known to slightly increase the levels of “good” cholesterol in the body.
    • Reduce Allergies And Eczema With Probiotics
      Allergies and eczema may be treated with probiotics. Doctors often recommend an adequate probiotic intake, especially for children, to curb the severity of allergies and eczema. Infants may be fed with milk supplemented with probiotics. Probiotic intake reduces eczema symptoms and eases different kinds of allergies. Extensive studies have also shown that women who ensure a balance of bacteria by a healthy intake of probiotics give birth to children less prone to allergies and eczema. Probiotics may also reduce the impact of milk and dairy induced allergies in children.
    • Probiotics Prevent Bowel Diseases
      Probiotics benefits also include curing various inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Strains of probiotics such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus have proven to have beneficial effects on people suffering from mild ulcerative colitis. Irritable bowel syndrome is a common health condition which can be treated with the help of probiotics. Infants should have a sufficient amount of probiotics to prevent the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis. This is a bowel condition to which premature infants are the most prone. Besides, probiotics improve your immune system by preventing the excessive growth of harmful bacteria in your digestive system. Probiotics are known to foster the growth of natural antibodies in the body. They boost immune cells in the body and keep you healthy.

    Ensure a sufficient intake of probiotics on a daily basis though fermented food. You may also procure safe probiotic supplements in the form of tablets, capsules, and powders from the drug store.

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  • Diet options that help ease constipation

    Diet options that help ease constipation

    Constipation occurs when bowel movements become difficult and infrequent (less than 3 times a week). Constipation can be prevented by following a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water. Constipation mostly occurs when there is an insufficient intake of water and fiber. The symptoms of constipation are bloating in the stomach, dry and hard stools, and difficulty in emptying bowels. Thankfully, constipation can be cured by correcting your eating habits.

    Some foods that help relieve constipation are:

    Fruits are abundant with dietary fiber which helps relieve one from the symptoms of constipation. Along with the goodness of fiber, fruits are also filled with vitamins and other nutrients that benefit the body in various ways. Fruits like kiwi, pineapples, berries, apricots, papaya, figs, peaches, plums, grapes, pears help improve one’s bowel movement.

    Flax seeds
    Flax seeds are filled with a high amount of fiber, along with other nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, which help in easy bowel movements. These flax seeds can be added to a variety of dishes like salads, oatmeal, milkshakes, etc.

    To obtain a high amount of fiber content in our body, it is advised to eat vegetables every day. Just like fruits, vegetables are a natural source of fiber along with nutrients such as vitamins, calcium, fat, proteins, etc. There is a proven record that vegetables and fruits help our body function better when consumed regularly.

    Whole grains
    Refined products such as white rice and flour increase the chances of constipation. Replace these refined products with whole grain products to see a great difference in your bowel movements. Whole grains are a rich source of dietary fibers, and Arabinoxylan is the main component which helps ease constipation. This also helps with weight loss. Overall, it helps you have a healthy lifestyle.

    Nuts and seeds
    Nuts like almonds, pecans, and walnuts and seeds like pumpkin and sesame seeds are full of fiber. Once you add them to your diet, you will see the results immediately. However, beware of the amount consumed as a high intake of nuts increases fat content which results in high calories.

    Although these are not foods, consuming hot liquids such as green tea, hot water, and clear soups help in improving bowel movements significantly. These liquids help in better digestion and soften hard and dry stools. Teas made with herbs that regulate laxative effects are highly preferable. Anise tea and fennel tea help in speedy recovery from constipation.

    Apart from that, the consumption of water is very important to our body as most organs function at its best when there is enough water in our body. Moreover, nutrients are transferred to different parts of the body with the help of water. Water is absorbed from the intestine; but when there is a lack of water consumption, it leads to constipation.

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  • 4 healthy keto meal delivery services

    Keto diets are becoming increasingly popular with folks who want to switch to a healthy lifestyle or overcome certain health conditions. This has, in turn, led to a rise in the number of keto meal delivery services. But with so many options to choose from, it can get confusing. We have, therefore, listed some of the best keto meal delivery options that might have just what you are looking for.

    Ketoned Bodies
    Ketoned Bodies serves delicious meals made using organic ingredients. Some of their staple ingredients include grass-fed beef and pasture-raised poultry and pork. Their low-carb meals are well-cooked and tasty, which means you do not need to worry about the outcome of your order. However, the organic ingredients add to the price of the food, making Ketoned Bodies costly. Still, they are one of the best keto meal delivery options.

    Paleo On The Go
    For those unsure of how long they can follow the keto diet, Paleo On The Go is a suitable option. Although the service specializes in paleo food, they have a lot to offer for keto dieters. POTG delivers all across the country, and the meals arrive frozen and sealed in microwave-friendly packaging in a box full of dry ice. The company also offers a significant discount on deliveries if you get a subscription, and they will have your package delivered in about two days.

    Despite its limited availability, Territory is one of the best keto meal delivery options. The brand uses responsibly sourced ingredients and careful packaging. It also uses easy-to-understand labels that make it simple for you to track macros. Another reason why Territory is considered excellent is because of its heat-and-eat meals. These are hand-delivered to your door or the gyms the brand is associated with. For light eaters, the company also offers something they call the “boost” serving. It includes meals that are in the 250 to 400 calories per meal range.

    Green Chef
    If you like to cook, you might want to consider what Green Chef has to offer. One of the best keto meal delivery options, it lets you choose from a menu of meals that are refreshed every week. You can select meals for two to six people. Plus, unlike most other keto meal delivery services, your food is not premade. Green Chef is easy to subscribe to, and you can also opt-out when you want to take a break. The service caters to 48 states of the country.

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