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  • Weight management – How to go about with it

    Today, with excessive information available at one’s disposal, people are getting aware of health-related issues. It is important to bear the fact that being overweight is an issue you have to address seriously. Obesity, just like high blood pressure and diabetes, is a chronic condition. No quick or easy way leads to weight management. If you are determined to lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle, it is essential to go through the process slowly.

    Organic ways to lose weight

    Stay away from processed food items

    Processed foods, such as cheese, bread, tinned vegetables, frozen meat products, and cakes are not healthy for your body. Such foods, which are also categorized as comfort food, lure you, and it is easy to get attracted to them because of the taste or flavor they offer. But, if you are serious about getting in to shape and, most importantly, refrain from consuming anything that adversely affects your health, do not eat any processed foods.

    Limit your sugar intake

    Though sugar forms a large part of our diet and is used in food items daily, it does not do any good for your health. Eating food products that contain sugar affects your body in various ways. Some of the most well-known diseases worldwide are caused because of excessive consumption of sugar-based foods. Most of the time, people are not even aware of the amount of sugar they are consuming. What seems like moderate consumption often results in diabetes, different kinds of heart-related diseases, and cancer.

    Drink water at regular intervals

    Water is one of the greatest gifts to humanity by nature, and yet, we do not value it enough. The irony is that we waste a lot of water every day but do not consume enough of it. Apart from several health benefits, drinking water regularly helps tremendously in losing the extra kilos you put in. Drinking water before having a big meal helps in the reduction of calorie intake. Instead of consuming carbonated beverages, drink water when you feel thirsty.

    Consume a protein-rich diet

    The body burns calories when you digest and process protein-based food items. A protein-rich diet contributes significantly to weight loss. It also helps in giving a significant boost to your metabolic rate. Having a meal that is rich in protein will make your stomach feel full and will not let you suffer from hunger pangs. You do not have to stress yourself about how you can prepare a high-protein meal for yourself. Just a simple breakfast filled with eggs will be enough to lend your body the right amount of protein for the day.

    Limit refined carbs intake

    The right kinds of carbs are good for your health. They even contribute to weight management. However, refined carbs serve no such purpose. They do not have any rich nutrients or fiber, like good carbs. After the carbs are refined, they become easily digestible food items, increasing one’s tendency to overeat. Avoid food products like white bread, soda, cakes, confectionery, as they are rich in refined carbs.

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  • Stomach conditions – Types and treatment

    The stomach is located between the esophagus and the small intestine. It is the place where proteins are digested. The stomach has three primary functions: storing the food that one swallows, amalgamating the food with stomach acids, and transferring the mixture to the small intestine. Since the stomach serves so many essential functions, it is prone to suffer from certain disorders.

    Some of the stomach conditions like heartburn and indigestion are very common among most people.

    Stomach conditions and their treatment

    Gastritis is referred to as the stomach condition where the stomach lining suffers from inflammation. While chronic gastritis occurs at a slow pace, acute gastritis attacks the stomach suddenly. According to a report published by a renowned clinic, 8 out of 1,000 people show symptoms of acute gastritis, and 2 out of 10, 000 people suffer from chronic gastritis at some point in their lives. Some common signs of gastritis are nausea, indigestion, appetite loss, bloating, and hiccups. It is largely caused because of stress, chronic vomiting, viral or bacterial infections, excessive alcohol consumption, pernicious anemia, or auto-immune diseases.

    Treatment for gastritis

    • If gastritis is caused due to H.pylori infection, one will be given a couple of antibiotics along with a medication that blocks the entry of acid to their stomach.
    • B12 vitamin shots are recommended for gastritis. These are known to arise from pernicious anemia.

    Peptic ulcer

    One can get to know if they are suffering from peptic ulcer when the stomach lining breaks down. An ulcer that travels across the stomach and reaches up to its lining is referred to as a perforation. When that happens, one must consult a doctor immediately. Some of the common symptoms of peptic ulcers include the inability to consume liquid, frequent hunger pangs, fatigue, chest pain, nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting. If one has been undergoing radiation treatment for a particular disease, they will be susceptible to peptic ulcers.

    Treatment for peptic ulcer

    • Mild peptic ulcers heal automatically. Nevertheless, one must consult a doctor because if they do not heal completely, they may resurface later on.
    • Medications like cytoprotective agents help protect the stomach lining and the small intestine so that the peptic ulcer heals completely.

    Hiatal hernia

    There is a space in the muscle wall which serves as a barrier between the abdomen and the chest. If the stomach reaches the portion of one’s chest, finding its way through this gap, then it is a sign that one is suffering from hiatal hernia. There is a similar kind of stomach condition called paraesophageal hernia. It is not as common as hiatal hernia, but if one is diagnosed with it, it can result in blood supply to the stomach being cut off. Some of the symptoms of hiatal hernia include bloating of stomach and feeling a sense of bitterness in the throat.

    Treatment options for hiatal hernia

    • Consult a doctor and seek medication for heartburn and pain in the stomach
    • Try and maintain a healthy and stable weight
    • Avoid the consumption of oily or spicy food items.
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  • 5 home remedies for skin problems

    Eczema, acne, rosacea, psoriasis, ichthyosis, vitiligo, and hives are some of the most commonly occurring skin problems. Skin health is a mirror of your overall health, and your skin requires constant care as it is exposed to pollutants and may develop reactions. If you encounter any unnatural sensation on your skin like irritation or a burning sensation, do not take it casually. Do not leave it unattended, and consult a doctor if need be. You can also start with simple treatments at home.

    Home remedies for curing skin problems

    The following are some simple yet effective home remedies for skin problems:

    • Fresh aloe vera
      Aloe vera has been used to treat skin problems since time immemorial. When you accidentally injure your finger in the kitchen, you are recommended to apply aloe vera gel, and when you are suffering from dry skin, you can use it to nourish your skin. Apart from healing wounds, aloe vera is widely renowned for its antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral properties. The gel that oozes out of the aloe vera leaves is very effective when it comes to treating itchy or irritated skin. Just ensure that the aloe you get is fresh.
    • Coconut oil
      Coconut oil is derived from the milk content in coconuts, and apart from being used as a cooking oil, it helps moisturize the skin. It has saturated fats in high amounts, and its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties make it a very valuable medicinal product. You can apply it to itchy or irritated skin, but you must use unprocessed coconut oil to get the best benefits of its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.
    • Baking soda
      One of the most popular things that have been used in home-based treatments for skin problems is baking soda. Apart from treating itchy skin, it is known to cure rashes, bug bites, and poison ivy. Also, it is very convenient to use. Put 1 or 2 cups (as per your requirement) of baking soda in a small bucket filled with moderately warm water. Soak the part of the skin that needs treatment in this water for some time, dry it, and then apply some moisturizer.
    • Indigo naturalis
      This is a powdered substance, dark-blue in color and made from dry Qing Dai, a Chinese herb. Indigo naturalis has proved to be an effective cure for mild or moderate psoriasis and other complications arising as a result of inflammation. It is also applied as an ointment to provide relief from irritated or inflamed skin. Though it may leave the skin colored blue, the stain goes away after some time. Also, it can be refined to remove the dark-blue dye while still retaining its healing properties.
    • Oatmeal
      For centuries, oatmeal has proved to treat several mild to severe allergic skin problems. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized using oatmeal as a skin protectant in the year 2003. Now, you have several skin care products using oatmeal as one of their primary ingredients. You can use oatmeal while taking a shower to reap its benefits, and you can choose from a range of products from several lifestyle companies that manufacture and market products to be used for an oatmeal bath.
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  • Top airlines that offer first-class experience

    The journey should be as memorable as the joy of reaching the destination. Comfort is of paramount importance when you are traveling. Earlier, the term “first class” translated to luxury and style, but today, several airlines are replacing “first class” with business class rows that have been upgraded. However, still, a couple of airlines have managed to maintain the sanctity of the first-class units in their flights and ensure super-luxurious travel for those who opt for it.

    Airlines offering the amazing first-class experience are as follows:


    Lufthansa’s long-distance flights comprise eight large-sized first-class seats, which are easily adjustable. When you stretch your back and relax, you can adjust the footrest, backrest, and the moveable ottoman to provide you with more space. If you want to lie down and catch up on some sleep, you can request the attendant to convert your seat into a bed. The bed will be equipped with a temperature-regulating duvet and a mattress topper and will give you a supremely comfortable experience.

    Garuda Indonesia

    Garuda Indonesia’s flagship aircraft, the Boeing 777-300ER, has eight private suites that offer several kinds of luxury. Those who travel by first class in Garuda Indonesia vouch that the area and the services provided here make them feel as though they are a part of a calm and serene atmosphere. Because of the comfort provided, you do not even feel the jerks or disturbances that one might, sometimes, encounter during a flight. A wide range of dining options is offered to the guests. The food is put together by some of the best chefs from renowned restaurants across the globe.

    Japan Airlines

    Japan, as a country, is known for the warmth and hospitality it extends toward its guests. The same can be said about Japan Airlines. The First Class unit of the Boeing 777-300ER flight is a semi-enclosed suite with a strikingly gorgeous interior made up of wood-grain. The interiors spell luxury, and at the same time, give you a homely feeling. The console is huge and includes a spacious storage compartment, a laptop power brick, a controller for in-flight entertainment services, and a 23-inch screen on which you can consume video-based content.

    Swiss International Airlines

    Swiss, Switzerland’s national carrier, has eight, completely enclosed suites in the Boeing 777-300ER and Airbus A330 fleets. The interiors are extensively made of European oak wood coupled with material made with shades of brown and grey. The fabric bulkheads, soft walls, and curtains play a massive role in suppressing the noise within the cabin and providing you with a soothing atmosphere. Every passenger gets a personal wardrobe accompanied by a sliding door. There is a 32-inch display screen that takes care of your in-flight entertainment.

    Cathay Pacific

    After re-furnishing and giving a brand new look to their first-class lounge at the Hong Kong International Airport, the airline decided to bring out some changes and improvements in the first-class units of their planes. The external surface of the first-class section bears a dark and glossy look. The seats are made up of natural leather and boast of a clean and sophisticated look.

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  • Treatment and home remedies for people with ADHD

    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD is a condition that affects the brain and behavioural patterns. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to manage the symptoms of this condition. The range of treatments available for the condition includes behavioural therapies and medications.

    Here’s having a look at the various treatment options available for ADHD.


    Medications will always be an important part of the treatment for ADHD. There are central nervous systems or CNS stimulants that are very commonly prescribed in cases of ADHD. These medications are effective as they give a boost to the amount of chemicals found in the brain, such as norepinephrine and dopamine. As a result, the concentration and focusing abilities become better.

    The treatment plan can also include some non-stimulant medications. If stimulant medications have caused any side-effects, or haven’t shown any results, doctors can switch the treatment plan to non-stimulant medications. Some of the non-stimulant medications work by giving a boost to the amount of norepinephrine in the brain which helps in better focus and memory.


    Several therapies can be used to provide relief from the symptoms of ADHD. Your doctor can help you pick the best therapy that can help you fight the condition. These can include:


    This can be one of the effective therapies which allow the patients to open up and talk about how they feel. Most ADHD patients can have a tough time finding peer groups or mingle with people who appear to be authoritative. With the help of psychotherapy, these problems can be overcome.

    Behavior therapy

    With the help of this therapy, the patient can be taught how to keep a watch on their behavior, and then introduce changes to their behavior accordingly. This therapy works in various ways which will help the patient to react in the right manner at different situations.

    Training for social skills

    If an ADHD patient is having a difficult time behaving appropriately in a social setting, this training can help. During the training, the patient is introduced to new behaviors which will be more appropriate at different situations. The training can include various social skills such as:

    • Sharing
    • Seeking help from others
    • Waiting for the turn
    • Managing bullies

    Home remedies and natural treatments for ADHD

    It is a well-known fact that ADHD medications, especially stimulants, can leave behind side effects. Some of the common side effects include the following:

    • Sleep-related disorders
    • Appetite loss
    • Heart diseases
    • Mood swings
    • An inclination towards suicide provoking thoughts or actions

    Although medications are necessary to treat the condition, considering some natural remedies is not a bad idea either. Some of these include the following:

    Avoid preservatives and artificial food colorings

    Some of the artificial ingredients in the food can give a boost to hyperactive behaviour in ADHD patients. Therefore, it is best to avoid them.

    Avoid allergens

    Following a diet which is allergen-free has the potential to improve the behaviour in ADHD patients. To know the potential allergens, you must see a doctor. Also, you can start with these foods:

    • Chewing gum
    • Potato chips
    • Butter
    • Milk
    • Eggs
    • Apples
    • Oranges
    • Tomatoes
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  • Cold, flu, cough, and virus – Treatment and home remedies

    Cold, flu, cough, and virus, terms often used together, are usually used to refer to an infection caused by viruses. Cold and cough are usually symptoms of the flu caused by a virus and are accompanied by some other symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose, and congestion. Usually, to treat cold, flu, cough, and virus infections, over-the-counter medications are prescribed.

    Treatment plans
    There are no medications that can cure a cold or flu caused by viruses. Even antibiotics cannot help against cold-causing viruses and, hence, should not be taken until there are chances of a bacterial infection. Since there is no cure for the virus, the treatment usually aims at relieving the symptoms.

    These include the following:

    • Pain killers
      Sore throat, headache, and body ache are common symptoms of the flu caused by virus. Therefore, many people look for pain relievers while they are sick. However, there are a lot of precautions that you need to take while using pain relievers, especially when giving it to children or teenagers. They can cause side-effects and make the condition worse in some cases.
    • Nasal sprays
      Nasal congestion is another common symptom experienced during flu. Therefore, many adults are prescribed nasal drops or sprays for five days to free the nasal passage from congestion. However, these decongestants should not be given to children who are below six years of age.
    • Cough syrups
      These syrups might give some relief from cough, but the American Academy of Pediatrics and the FDA do not approve of its use on children younger than four years of age.

    Home remedies and lifestyle changes
    In addition to some over-the-counter medications to relieve the symptoms, thankfully there are several home remedies that you can adopt to get relief from cold and other flu symptoms. These include the following:

    • Ginger
      The health benefits provided by ginger have been known for centuries. Its medicinal properties have been backed by scientific evidence, too. A couple of slices of ginger boiled in water can help you soothe your aching throat and cough. Flu symptoms often compromise of nausea, which can also be treated with some ginger as suggested by researchers.
    • Honey
      It comes loaded with antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Therefore, it is one of the most effective home remedies to get relief from flu and its symptoms. You can drink honey mixed with lemon tea to ease your sore throat. Some research also suggests that honey can be an effective remedy in treating a cough. One of the studies showed how 10 grams of honey before bed could significantly lower the severity of cough in children. It helped children get some sound sleep at night, which also helped in curing their other symptoms.
    • Garlic
      Allicin is a compound that contains antimicrobial properties, and it is found in garlic. You can add garlic or garlic supplements to your food to alleviate the symptoms of cold and flu. There have been studies that suggest that garlic can also protect your body from many types of diseases.
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  • Dehydration – What causes it and how to prevent it

    Dehydration is a condition in which your body ends up losing more fluid than it consumes. That, in turn, results in your body not having sufficient water to function normally. If you fail to make up for this loss, you will suffer from dehydration. While anybody can suffer from this condition, children and older people are more susceptible to it. It is very important to treat the body with lots of water, especially during hot weather.

    The causes are:

    • Sweating
      Sweating is a natural process that helps in keeping the body temperature stable. When the body becomes very hot, the sweat glands get activated and release moisture from the body to cool it down. Evaporation plays a major role in this process. Sweating contributes towards hydrating the skin and balancing the presence of electrolytes in the body. While normal sweating is fine, excessive sweating is what causes dehydration.
    • Diarrhea
      Diarrhea is something that strikes your body suddenly and in an almost violent manner. It results in a massive loss of water and electrolytes from the body in a short span of time. Electrolytes are the minerals that help the body in controlling muscle movement, regulating the flow of blood, and carrying out various organ-based functions. Your body feels weak and you find it difficult to go about your daily routine. Diarrhea is sometimes accompanied by vomiting and that contributes to even more fluid loss.
    • Fever
      When you suffer from fever, the temperature of your body increases sharply and that leads to the body releasing sweat as a natural process to lower down the temperature. If the sweating happens in controlled proportions, then it is fine. But if you sweat profusely for a long period of time, it may result in dehydration.

    The preventive measures are:

    • Regular consumption of water
      The most basic technique to avoid dehydration is to consume lots of water. The higher the water intake in your body, the lesser will be the chances of it getting dehydrated. In summers or when the weather is hot, you must be extra cautious about the amount of water you drink. People tend to sweat more during these seasons and, thus, the body invariably needs more water to make up for the fluid content that it has lost.
    • Do not ignore thirst
      It is recommended for every individual to have at least eight cups of water every day. Most reports suggest a large number of people fail to give their body the amount of water it requires. Feeling thirsty many times a day is one of the earliest symptoms of the body suffering from a fluid deficiency. Respond well to thirst and drink water as and when you feel the need to. Always carry a bottle of water when you are traveling and make sure that you always have sufficient water at your disposal.
    • Include hydrating food items in your diet
      Eating a wholesome diet is important to keep your body fit and healthy and making sure that your body stays away from diseases of different kinds. There are certain food items that are categorized as hydrating foods. Some of these food items are celery, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, spinach, watermelon soymilk, honeydew lemon, broccoli, and peaches.
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  • Treatments and home remedies for anemia

    Patients suffering from anemia have low red blood cells in their body. This creates a problem for the blood cells while supplying oxygen to the various bodily tissues. Because of this, patients who suffer from anemia constantly feel weak and tired.

    Anemia is a disease with many types, namely iron deficiency anemia, thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, vitamin deficiency anemia, and aplastic anemia. Let’s look at the treatments for each.

    Iron deficiency anemia

    In order to treat iron deficiency anemia, doctors ask their patients to take iron supplements. Each patient will need a different strength of dosage. To increase the chances of the patients’ body absorbing the iron tablets, doctors suggest taking the tablets when patients are on an empty stomach, and also to take the tablets with a vitamin C supplement. Also, doctors advise against having the iron tablet along with medications for relieving heartburn.


    Severe forms of thalassemia require treatments that include lifelong blood transfusions. Some patients may be advised bone marrow transplant to eliminate the need for transfusions. Chelation therapy is given to cope with the excess iron in the blood that may come with the thalassemia treatment. Mild thalassemia does not require medical treatment.

    Sickle cell anemia

    Sickle cell anemia has no cure. The treatment of sickle cell anemia involves managing the condition to minimize pain and improve the overall quality of life for the patient. As part of the treatment, medicines are given to deal with pain. Some of the medicines that are commonly prescribed for pain include hydroxyurea, Crizanlizumab, and certain narcotics. Blood transfusions may also be prescribed for patients. At a later stage, they may require a stem cell transplant. This is a risky procedure, and usually only permitted for children with severe symptoms. Penicillin is also prescribed to infants with anemia.

    Vitamin deficiency anemia

    Vitamin deficiency anemia is treated with the help of folic acid supplements, vitamin C tablets, and vitamin D injections.

    Aplastic anemia

    Aplastic anemia is generally treated with the help of blood transfusions that supplement the patient with new red blood cells and platelets. Other treatments may include immunosuppressants and bone marrow transplant. Patients may also be given antiviral and antibiotic medicines depending on their requirement. Cancer patients may develop aplastic anemia as a result of chemotherapy treatment. This usually resolves on its own once chemotherapy stops.

    Home remedies for anemia

    Fortunately, there are many steps that we can take to supplement the role of medicines in fighting anemia. Some of the home remedies to tackle anemia are:

    • Increase intake of iron-rich foods such as figs, tofu, soy, broccoli, spinach, nuts, and dates.
    • Consume more folate from foods such as peanuts, lettuce, spinach, and avocados.
    • Increase intake of beta-carotene, and vitamin A, and vitamin C as these help your body absorb iron well.
    • Ask your doctor for iron and folate supplements to improve your health.

    Iron supplements should only be taken with a doctor’s prescription as excessive iron is bad for your health. The doctor will know the right dosage required by you depending on your medical health and severity of deficiency.

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  • Treatments and home remedies to treat blood disorders

    Blood is quite a crucial component for the healthy functioning of the body. If something affects the blood, it impacts the entire body; these are known as blood disorders.

    Here is the treatment based on the different types:

    Aplastic anemia

    The treatments for this disorder mainly consist of the following:

    • Bone marrow transport
    • Medicines which help in suppressing the person’s immunity
    • Blood transfusion
    • Removal of toxin which is the cause (specific and rare cases)


    The treatment for this blood disorder is quite complicated. Here is what doctors adopt:

    • Medical experts provide supportive care with the support of granulocyte transfusions and combing it with prophylactic antibiotics.
    • The antibiotics above should be consumed regularly. Granulocyte transfusion is recommended if the impact of this disorder is low.
    • The doctor may even need to undertake hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and fucose supplementation if required.

    Sickle cell anemia

    There are probable treatment measures for sickle cell anemia which may include the following:

    • Pain medications are prescribed to manage sickle cell anemia
    • Intravenous fluids are recommended with the consumption of nearly eight to ten glasses of water daily
    • Additionally, blood transfusions are recommended for anemia and to keep strokes at bay
    • Bone marrow transplant

    Since there are a lot of blood disorders, you need to get it diagnosed and start the treatment as it differs based on the different conditions.

    General home remedies for blood clots

    Blood clots are mandatory for the body, as they shield the body from having deep wounds. However, sometimes, it can turn out to be excessive and lead to fatal complications. Consequently, blood thinners might be required to lessen the capacity of the body to transform into clumps. However, since there are plenty of blood disorders, we have mentioned a list of home remedies you can use for blood-thinning:


    Turmeric, also known as one of the best remedies for blood thinning, is known for having a lot of curcumin, which helps the body deal with anti-inflammation. Turmeric is not only used for culinary purposes but also for medicinal purposes in many regions of the world.


    An anti-inflammatory super food, ginger, consists of acid known as salicylate. This helps reduce blood clots in general.


    Almonds can help reduce blood clots because they are abundant with Vitamin E. People who take blood-thinning medicines are also advised against consuming Vitamin E, as it further helps with the management of blood clots.


    Cinnamon has a special agent known as coumarin. Warfarin extracted is incredibly helpful for blood thinning. However, we don’t recommend high dosages of cinnamon because it can damage the liver.

    Grapeseed oil

    Some studies show that grape seed oil can help get rid of different types of blood disorders and heart conditions. Hence, it can help treat blood clots, too.

    You may also consume Dong Quai, ginkgo Biloba, garlic, and cayenne peppers.

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  • Strengthening your immune system at home

    Our immune system consists of chemicals, cells, and special organs, which give the body the strength to fight infections. The stronger your immune system, the healthier you are. The major components of the immune system are the lymphatic system, the complement system, spleen, white blood cells, thymus, and the bone marrow.

    You must try to lead a healthy and disciplined lifestyle so that your immune system remains strong, and your body keeps all the diseases of different kinds at bay.

    How to strengthen your immune system at home?

    Maintain a healthy sleep cycle

    Regular sleep of seven to nine hours is the key to leading a healthy life. It is one of the most basic lessons taught to an individual in childhood. A lot of people fail to realize this and, sometimes, disrupt this cycle without understanding that it can lead to severe health problems. Some people stay up till 4 o’clock in the morning so that they can finish binge-watching all the episodes of the new series. Such habits must change, and you must go to bed at a fixed time and sleep soundly for several hours before you get up in the morning and discover what the day has in store for you.

    Make garlic-based foods a part of your diet

    Eating a lot of garlic may not do any good for your breath, but it is very good for your health. Apart from giving a boost to your immune system, it safeguards you from several heart-related diseases. Also, unlike a lot of healthy food products, it is quite flavorful and augments the taste of any dish it is added to. Look for different recipes that use a lot of garlic. There are a bunch of them, and if you choose smartly, you can have garlic in breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Just try to experiment with what you cook, and there will be no monotony.

    Spend some time sunbathing

    The sun is a natural source of vitamin D, which is necessary to build up your immune system. Sit or lie down in the corner of your home that receives an ample amount of sunlight. If you walk in the daylight for some time, that’s great. But even if you do not get the opportunity to step out of the house often, you can go to the balcony and stay there for 15 to 20 minutes to get your daily dose of vitamin D.

    Doing exercise every day without fail

    You do not need to become a fitness freak to build your immune system. Just doing simple exercises on a regular basis should be fine. A lot of times, people start working out but give up after a point of time. Once you commit to it, you have to do a bit of it every day to ensure a healthy lifestyle. If you cannot join a gym, then join a yoga class, do exercises at home, or perform any other workout activity which appeals to you. Apart from lending your immune system strength, exercise helps in removing bacterial content from your lungs and brings down the risk of you being affected by some airborne diseases.

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